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Kompanija A1 Life Sciences je osnovana 2019. godine kao sestrinska kompanija RTA Laboratories. Jedan od najznačajnijih brendova ove kompanije, Diagnovital, namenjen proizvodnji Real Time PCR kitova, pruža pouzdano i pristupačno dijagnostičko rešenje za mikrobiologiju i virusologiju, a nraročito za detekciju COVID-19 virusa u zdravstvenim ustanovama i privatnom sektoru:



AESKU.GROUP, based in Wendelsheim, Germany, is a research-focused supplier of innovative and efficient products and services for the early detection, diagnosis, and prognosis of autoimmune diseases.

In only ten years since its foundation in the year 2000 AESKU.DIAGNOSTICS has become a recognized name in the field of autoimmunity for launching over 150 different products together with uninterrupted services in more than 90 countries worldwide. AESKU. Group simplifies the lab routine with accurate, robust, and reliable tests, laying equal emphasis on all major disease sectors, the company has earned a solid reputation in autoimmune diagnostics.

AESKU. DIAGNOSTICS is committed to research and development. Because of this, all products are manufactured in-house: from DNA to kit. This is the only way to assure their end-users the best possible quality and consistency.

Product Categories:




AESQC Quality Controls





Altus Science je proizvođač sertifikovanog materijala/standarda (CRM), sa fokusom na ukupni organski ugljenik i CRM čestice za provodljivost. Standardi/Materijali koji se koriste prilikom kalibracije, validacije, kao i potrošni materijal za sve marke TOC analizatora. Prepoznajemo koliko je važno da kvalitet CRM čestica, standarda bude visoka. U pogonu se nalazi  niz analitičkih instrumenata koji se koriste u svrhe verifikacije. ​



ASTEC, japanska preciznost i pouzdanost su u osnovi svega što ova kompanija proizvodi. Od osnivanja 1978. godine do danas, Astec dizajnira, proizvodi i prodaje najsavremeniju medicinsku opremu za potrebe Asistiranih Reproduktivnih Tehnika (ART).  Sva oprema je dizajnirana i proizvedena u ISO 13485 sertifikovanom proizvodnom pogonu u Fukuoki, Japanu. 



Kompanija Autobio osnovana je 1998. godine sa istovremenim fokusom na razvoj reagensa i instrumenata. Proizvodni program obuhvata imunološke analize, biohemiju, mikrobiologiju i pruža sveobuhvatna rešenja i usluge medicinskim laboratorijima.

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B Medical Systems je luksemburški proizvođač i globalni distributer medicinskih rashladnih uređaja. Naša misija u B Medical Systems je stvaranje tehnologije koja pomaže u spašavanju života širom sveta. Sa četiri decenije iskustva u industriji, razvili smo snažnu reputaciju dobavljača medicinskih frižidera, zamrzivača i transportnih kutija, koji su usmereni na kupce i koji pružaju najbolje performanse u smislu sigurnosti, efikasnosti i pouzdanosti.

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Beckman Coulter Life Sciences je kompanija posvećena unapređenju i optimizaciji laboratorija. Više od 80 godina su pouzdan partner laboratorijskim stručnjacima, dok doprinose unapređenje naučnih istraživanja i nege pacijenata. Naš cilj i uloga su:

“fokus na inovativnosti, pouzdanosti i efikasnosti, koji nas je doveo u poziciju da postanemo izabrani partner za kliničke, istraživačke i industrijske korisnike širom sveta”. U Life Science-u istraživači koriste precizne instrumente Beckman Coulter za proučavanje složenih bioloških problema, uključujući uzroke bolesti i potencijalne nove terapije i tretmane lečenja. Tim stručnjaka posvećuje vreme i energiju da shvati kompleksnost istraživanja za laboratorijske korisnike u različitim okruženjima: univerziteti, vlade, biotehnološke i farmaceutske kompanije, bolnice i komercijalne laboratorije. Inovacijom novih procesa i tehnologija, oni izazivaju konvencionalnu mudrost; cilj je uvek razviti najbolja laboratorijska rešenja sa najvećom pouzdanošću koja su dostupna na današnjem tržištu. Beckman Coulter Life Sciences pokriva program protočne citometrije, savremenog pipetiranja i genomike, centrifuga, i brojanja i karakterizacije čestica. Sa najnaprednijim tehnologijama na tržištu, neki od instrumenata važe za zlatni standard među svojom branšom: CytoFLEX VRB i citometar Navios, brojač subvidljivih čestica u rastvorima HIAC 9703+. Protočni citometar za kliničku upotrebu DX Flex je najprodavaniji uređaj 2021., dok je brojač čestica u vazduhu serija 3400+ dobila nagradu u svetu analitičkih inovacija 2020. Više od 275.000 Beckman Coulter sistema postavljeno je u najrazličitijim laboratorijama širom sveta.



Kompanija Bertin Instruments posvećena je inovativnim metodama merenja i uzorkovanja za ključna svetska tržišta. Bertin Instruments omogućava svojim klijentima merenje, uzorkovanje i otkrivanje nevidljivih elemenata kao što su RNK, DNK i gasovi.

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Od 1998. Biosigma S.p.A. proizvodi i distribuira plastični potrošni materijal za jednokratnu upotrebu, za biotehnologiju, istraživanja, kliničku hemiju i farmaceutske laboratorije. U objektima od preko 12.000 m2 raspolažu najnovijim mašinama za ubrizgavanje i programskim alatima koji omogućavaju proizvodnju visoko kvalitetnih proizvoda koji su i dalje konkurentni na svetskom tržištu. Napori u istraživanju i razvoju omogućavaju im da ponude sve veći i napredniji asortiman proizvoda u oblastima kliničke hemije i biotehnologije. 



Posvećena očuvanju životne sredine, kompanija Biotium se, od svog osnivanja 2001. godine, bavi razvojem i distribucijom eco-friendly proizvoda u svrhe naučnih i mediciskih istraživanja. U širokom spektru reagenasa za molekularnu i ćelijsku biologiju naročito se izdvajaju netoksične, visokosenzitivne fluorescentne boje za DNK. Takođe, portfolio obuhvata veliki broj antitela i kitova za obeležavanje antitela i proteina, kitova za kvantifikaciju nukleinskih kiselina i boja za mikrobiološke sojeve (bakterije, kvasce i viruse).



Burdinola je kompanija specijalizovana za planiranje, integraciju i instalaciju laboratorija, ima za cilj da obezbedi INTEGRISANO REŠENJE, kroz idejni predlog koji uključuje integralni razvoj i upravljanje bilo kojom od faza projekta, ali uvek imajući u vidu celokupnu viziju procesa. Nudimo prednost integrisanja vlastitih proizvoda i promovisanja svih povezanih perifernih usluga kao sastavnog dela ponude. Burdinola nudi napredna tehnološka rešenja koja služe premisama održivosti, ekodizajniranju i standardima, primenjivim kako u svetskim naučnim objektima, tako i u specifičnostima laboratorijskog nameštaja.

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Comde-Derenda GmbH, osnovana kao inženjerska kancelarija 1972. godine, danas je međunarodna kompanija sa skoro 50 godina iskustva u oblasti tehnologije monitoringa životne sredine. Portfolio uključuje aplikacije za praćenje ili uzorkovanje suspendovanih čestica u realnom vremenu (npr. PM10 i PM2,5 prema EN12341: 2014), kao i sisteme za merenje težine za gravimetrijsku analizu filtera. Sedište Comde-Derenda nalazi se u blizini Berlina u Nemačkoj. Sa podružnicama u Kini, Indiji i Rusiji, te mnogim distributerima i partnerima u različitim zemljama, Comde-Derenda osigurava najbolju uslugu širom svijeta. Comde-Derenda GmbH je sertifikovana u skladu sa standardom ISO 9001: 2015



Cryopal, osnovan 1968. godine i deo je Air Liquide grupe, dizajnira i proizvodi visoko kvalitetne, inovativne i korisnički orijentisane posude za krioprezervaciju, super izolovane linije za distribuciju tečnog azota i odgovarajuće servisne usluge za kriogeno skladištenje biološkog materijala.
Kao jedan od lidera u krioporezervaciji i terapiji tečnim azotom, Cryopal pruža potpuno usklađena i pouzdana rešenja za skladištenje osetljivih i vrednih bioloških uzoraka kao i za određene aplikacije: Biobanking, Biomedicinski potpomognuta oplodnja, VO životinja, Dermatologija, Industrija
Cryopal je sertifikovan ISO 9001: 2008 i ISO 13485: 2012. Medicinski uređaji označeni oznakom CE prema propisima u potpunosti su usklađeni sa Direktivom 93/42/EEC.

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Kompanija Dakewe Biotech Co., Ltd osnovana je 1999. godine sa sedištem u Shenzhenu. Poslovanje kompanije podeljeno je u dve divizije - Bioscience i Biomedicine. Kompanija razvijamo i proizvodi medicinske uređaje, reagense za dijagnostiku, naučne instrumente i opremu. Kao deo Dakewe grupe, Dakewe (Shenzhen) Medical Equipment Co., Ltd razvila je i proizvela modernu seriju histopatoloških uređaja, uključujući uređaje za automatsko bojenje tkiva, tkivne procesore, mikrotome i nove nadolazeće proizvode za integraciju svakog koraka u laboratorijskom toku rada. Naša dijagnostička oprema trenutno se koristi u bolnicama, nezavisnim laboratorijima i univerzitetima širom Kine.

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Sa vizijom „Postati vodeći proizvođač opšte laboratorijske opreme“ i misijom „Izvrsnost u proizvodnji koja služi nauci“, DLAB Scientific je etablirani dobavljač laboratorijske opreme visoke vrednosti posvećen razvoju i proizvodnji inovativnih i pouzdanih alata za primenu sa neuporedivim performansama za poboljšanje uspeha i vrednosti rada korisnika. Svi DLAB instrumenti su dizajnirani i proizvedeni u skladu sa ISO9001/13485. Naš cilj je biti sveobuhvatni dobavljač širokog spektra opštih laboratorijskih uređaja i instrumenata koji pokrivaju hemijske, biološke, ekološke, forenzičke, prehrambene i kliničke dijagnostičke primene. Naši tehnički stručnjaci sa posvećenim timom za istraživanje i razvoj osiguravaju najefikasnija rešenja koja štede vreme. Naši proizvodi pružaju udobnost, tačnost i pogodnost za provođenje sigurnih i učinkovitih eksperimenata tokom istraživanja. Imamo iskustvo u razvoju i pružanju prilagođenih proizvoda prikladnih za aplikacije krajnjih korisnika. Partneri smo sa mnogim prestižnim kompanijama i institucijama širom svijeta.



EntroGen je biotehnološka kompanija iz Los Anđelesa sa primarnim fokusom na molekularnoj dijagnostici u oblastima hematologije i onkologije. EntroGen ima rastući komercijalni portfolio testova zasnovanih na real-time PCR-u i NGS-u, pri čemu se mnogi njegovi proizvodi koriste za vođenje i praćenje ciljanih terapija za različite maligne bolesti. Neki od testova: RAS, KRAS, BRAF, NRAS, PIK3CA, EGFR, c-KiT; NGS: BRCA panel i BRCA expanded.

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Gotovo 30 godina Euroengel projektuje i proizvodi 12V prenosne frižidere. S godinama smo postali orijentisani ka stvaranju rešenja za rashladne kontejnere za profesionalni transport. Dvadesetogodišnje iskustvo izdvaja nas u ovoj industriji, zajedno s tipičnom sposobnošću italijanskih kompanija da nađu mesto susreta između dizajna i funkcionalnosti. Coldtainer je kompletan asortiman rashladnih izotermnih kontejnera za transport hrane, farmaceutika i drugu logistiku. Transportni frižideri za kombije i transportna vozila sa temperaturnom kontrolom.

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FERTIPRO, osnovan 1992.godine kao pouzdan i potpuno nezavisan proizvođač in vitro dijagnostičkih proizvoda i medijuma koja se koriste u tehnologijama Asistiranih Reproduktivnih Tehnika (ART) kao i dijagnostike muškog infertiliteta. Proizvodnja je smeštena u najsavremenijem, potpuno ekološkom pogonu u Beernem-u, Belgija. 
FertiPro je ISO13485 sertifikovana kompanija koja učestvuje u MDSAP programu (FDA). 
FertiPro poseduje registraciju za svoje proizvode u Evropi, Kanadi, USA i u sve više zemalja širom sveta. Svi dijagnostički kitovi za ART su CE sertifikovani kao IVD ili kao medicinsko sredstvo. 

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Fine Biotech je kompanija sa sedištem u Wuhan-u, koja nudi punu liniju kvalitetnih kompleta za istraživanje, koji uključuju ELISA komplete, reagense za ELISA testiranje i visokokvalitetna antitela, rekombinantne proteine.
Stroga i višestruka kontrola kvaliteta osigurava da se njihovi proizvodi uspešno pozicioniraju i isporučuju na međunarodnom tržištu. 
FineTest je profesionalni proizvođač reagensa za biotehnološke istraživačke laboratorije opremljen naprednom Elisa test laboratorijom za ispitivanje, koja nudi oko 7.000 vrsta ELISA kitova i 10.000 vrsta antitela sa stabilnim kvalitetom proizvoda.

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GeneProof je biotehnološka kompanija osnovana u Češkoj čiji je fokus rutinska molekularna in vitro dijagnostika infektivnih i genetskih bolesti. Proizvodni program obuhvata širok spektar visko kvalitetnih PCR kitova koji su zahvaljujući univerzalnim temperaturnim profilima naročito pogodni za svakodnevnu dijagnostičku upotrebu. Svi kitovi su validirani na velikom broju Real Time PCR uređaja prisutnih na tržištu, IVD sertifikovani i u postupku sertifikacije u skladu sa IVDR 2022. Saznajte više na:

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GYNEMED, nemačka kompanija, osnovana 1998. godine, posvećena razvoju, proizvodnji i distribuciji visokokvalitetnih medicinskih proizvoda namenjenih reproduktivnoj medicini. U svom portfoliju nalaze se isključivo proizvodi koji zadovoljavaju najviše standarde i zahteve kvaliteta i koji istovremeno predstavljaju najnovija naučna dostignuća. 
Osim konstantnog širenja i unapredjenja programa Gynemed medija i potrošnog materijala, Gynemed može ponuditi i rešenja laboratorijske opreme za potrebe ART-a od renomiranih globalnih lidera: IVF-Tech (Danska), Hamilton Thorne (USA) i Astec (Japan), ukljucujući kompletan servis i održavanje uređaja.

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GYNETICS, belgijska kompanija, vodeći inovativan proizvođač širokog spektra visokokvalitenih IVF (ART) medicinskih sredstava namenjenih globalnom IVF tržištu.
Proizvedeni u sterilnim sobama, svi proizvodi se podvrgavaju strogim ispitivanjima i najvišim procedurama kontrole kvaliteta u skladu sa direktivama CE directive 93/42/EEC. Gynetics je ISO 13485:2016 sertifikovana kompanija sa istovremenom usagalašenošću sa Uredbom o sistemu kvaliteta u USA (FDA 21 CFR part 820) i Kanadskom uredbom o medicinskim proizvodima (SOR/98-282).
Svi proizvodu su latex free, gama ili ETO sterilisani i kao takvi pogodni za primenu u tehnikama asistirane humane reprodukcije.

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Advanced Biological Laboratories (ABL), S.A., is a diagnostic and medical software company founded in 2000 as a spin-off from CRP-Santé ( Luxembourg.

ABL’s products offer to infectious disease clinicians, virology and microbiology laboratories.



AESKU.GROUP brings innovative and efficient products and services aimed at research and early detection, diagnosis and prognosis of autoimmune diseases.

Since its founding in 2000, AESCU has been a recognizable name, with more than 150 quality products, used in more than 90 countries around the world. With its precise, robust and reliable tests, AESKU simplifies its laboratory routine, with constant commitment to research and development, and all components that are part of the product are produced in the company itself. This is the only way to ensure end users the best possible quality and consistency.

Product categories:

ELISA tests, IFA test sets, BLOT test kits, AESQC quality control, AESKUCARE POC test kits, AESKU.BION products

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Altus Science is a Certified Reference Material (CRM) provider, focusing on Total Organic Carbon (TOC) and Conductivity CRMs. Providing Calibration, Validation and consumables for all makes of TOC analysers. They recognise the importance of high quality CRMs. Their facility is home to a range of analytical instruments used for verification purposes. 



ASTEC, Japanese precision and reliability are at the core of everything this company produces. Since its founding in 1978, Astec has been designing, manufacturing and selling state-of-the-art medical equipment for Assisted Reproductive Techniques (ART). All equipment is designed and manufactured at an ISO 13485 certified manufacturing facility in Fukuoka, Japan.   



Autobio was founded in 1998 with a simultaneous focus on the development of reagents and instruments. The production program includes immunoassays, biochemistry, microbiology and provides comprehensive solutions and services to medical laboratories.  

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B Medical Systems is a Luxembourg manufacturer and global distributor of medical refrigeration devices. Our mission at B Medical Systems is to create technology that helps save lives around the world. With four decades of industry experience, we have developed a strong reputation as customer-oriented suppliers of medical refrigerators, freezers and transport boxes, which provide the best performance in terms of safety, efficiency and reliability.  

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Beckman Coulter Life Sciences is a company dedicated to laboratory improvement and optimization. For more than 80 years, they have been a reliable partner to laboratory experts, while contributing to the advancement of scientific research and patient care. Our goal and role are:

"A focus on innovation, reliability and efficiency, which has put us in a position to become the chosen partner for clinical, research and industrial users around the world." At Life Science, researchers use Beckman Coulter's precision instruments to study complex biological problems, including the causes of disease and potential new therapies and treatments. The team of experts devotes time and energy to understanding the complexity of research for laboratory users in different environments: universities, governments, biotech and pharmaceutical companies, hospitals and commercial laboratories. By innovating new processes and technologies, they challenge conventional wisdom; the goal is always to develop the best laboratory solutions with the highest reliability available on the market today. Beckman Coulter Life Sciences covers a program of flow cytometry, modern pipetting and genomics, centrifuges, and particle counting and characterization. With the most advanced technologies on the market, some of the instruments are considered the gold standard among their industry: the CytoFLEX VRB and the Navios cytometer, a sub-particle counter in HIAC 9703+ solutions. The DX Flex flow cytometer for clinical use is the best-selling device in 2021, while the 3400+ series air particle counter won the award in the world of analytical innovation in 2020. More than 275,000 Beckman Coulter systems have been installed in various laboratories around the world.  



Bertin Instruments is committed to innovative measurement and sampling methods for key global markets. Bertin Instruments enables its clients to measure, sample and detect invisible elements such as RNA, DNA and gases.  

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Since 1998, Biosigma SpA has been producing and distributing disposable plastic consumables for biotechnology, research, clinical chemistry and pharmaceutical laboratories. In facilities of over 12,000 m2, they have the latest injection machines and software tools that enable the production of high quality products that are still competitive on the world market. Research and development efforts enable them to offer an ever-increasing and advanced range of products in the fields of clinical chemistry and biotechnology.   



Dedicated to environmental protection, Biotium has been developing and distributing eco-friendly products for scientific and medical research since its founding in 2001. Non-toxic, highly sensitive fluorescent dyes for DNA stand out in a wide range of reagents for molecular and cell biology. Also, the portfolio includes a large number of antibodies and kits for labeling antibodies and proteins, kits for quantification of nucleic acids and dyes for microbial strains (bacteria, yeasts and viruses). 



Burdinola is a company specialized in planning, integration and installation of laboratories, aims to provide an INTEGRATED SOLUTION, through a conceptual proposal that includes integrated development and management of any of the project phases, but always keeping in mind the overall vision of the process. We offer the advantage of integrating our own products and promoting all related peripheral services as an integral part of the offer. Burdinola offers advanced technological solutions that serve the premises of sustainability, ecodesign and standards, applicable both in world scientific facilities and in the specifics of laboratory furniture.  

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Comde-Derenda GmbH, founded as an engineering office in 1972, is today an international company with almost 50 years of experience in the field of environmental monitoring technology. The portfolio includes applications for real-time monitoring or sampling of suspended particles (e.g. PM10 and PM2.5 according to EN12341: 2014), as well as weight measurement systems for gravimetric filter analysis. The headquarters of Comde-Derenda are located near Berlin in Germany. With subsidiaries in China, India and Russia, and many distributors and partners in different countries, Comde-Derenda provides the best service worldwide. Comde-Derenda GmbH is certified in accordance with the ISO 9001: 2015 standard  



Cryopal, founded in 1968 and part of the Air Liquide Group, designs and manufactures high-quality, innovative and user-oriented cryopreservation vessels, super-insulated liquid nitrogen distribution lines and appropriate cryogenic storage services for biological material.
As one of the leaders in cryopreservation and liquid nitrogen therapy, Cryopal provides fully compliant and reliable solutions for the storage of sensitive and valuable biological samples as well as for specific applications: Biobanking, Biomedically Assisted Fertilization, VO Animals, Dermatology, Industry
Cryopal is ISO 9001: 2008 and ISO 13485: 2012 certified. Medical devices marked with the CE mark in accordance with regulations are fully compliant with Directive 93/42 / EEC.  

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Dakewe Biotech Co., Ltd was established in 1999 with headquarters in Shenzhen. The company's business is divided into two divisions - Bioscience and Biomedicine. The company develops and manufactures medical devices, diagnostic reagents, scientific instruments and equipment. As part of the Dakewe Group, Dakewe (Shenzhen) Medical Equipment Co., Ltd. has developed and manufactured a modern series of histopathological devices, including automatic tissue staining devices, tissue processors, microtoms, and new upcoming products to integrate each step in the laboratory workflow. Our diagnostic equipment is currently used in hospitals, independent laboratories and universities across China. 

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With the vision of "Becoming a Leading Manufacturer of General Laboratory Equipment" and the mission of "Excellence in Production that Serves Science", DLAB Scientific is an established supplier of high value laboratory equipment dedicated to developing and producing innovative and reliable application tools with unmatched performance to improve customer success and value. . All DLAB instruments are designed and manufactured in accordance with ISO9001 / 13485. Our goal is to be a comprehensive supplier of a wide range of general laboratory devices and instruments covering chemical, biological, environmental, forensic, nutritional and clinical diagnostic applications. Our technical experts with a dedicated research and development team ensure the most efficient, time-saving solutions. Our products provide comfort, accuracy and convenience for conducting safe and effective experiments during research. We have experience in developing and providing customized products suitable for end-user applications. We are partners with many prestigious companies and institutions around the world.  



EntroGen is a biotechnology company from Los Angeles with a primary focus on molecular diagnostics in the fields of hematology and oncology. EntroGen has a growing commercial portfolio of tests based on real-time PCR and NGS, with many of its products being used to guide and monitor targeted therapies for various malignancies. Some of the tests: RAS, KRAS, BRAF, NRAS, PIK3CA, EGFR, c-KiT; NGS: BRCA panel and BRCA expanded. 

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For almost 30 years, Euroengel has been designing and manufacturing 12V portable refrigerators. Over the years, we have become oriented towards creating solutions for refrigerated containers for professional transport. Twenty years of experience set us apart in this industry, along with the typical ability of Italian companies to find a meeting place between design and functionality. Coldtainer is a complete range of refrigerated isothermal containers for food transport, pharmaceuticals and other logistics. Transport refrigerators for vans and transport vehicles with temperature control.  

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FERTIPRO, founded in 1992 as a reliable and completely independent manufacturer of in vitro diagnostic products and media used in Assisted Reproductive Techniques (ART) technologies as well as male infertility diagnostics. The production is located in the most modern, completely ecological plant in Beernem, Belgium. 
FertiPro is an ISO13485 certified company participating in the MDSAP program (FDA). 
FertiPro is registered for its products in Europe, Canada, USA and more and more countries around the world. All ART diagnostic kits are CE certified as IVD or as a medical device.   

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Fine Biotech is a Wuhan-based company that offers a full line of quality research kits, which include ELISA kits, ELISA testing reagents and high-quality antibodies, recombinant proteins.
Strict and multiple quality control ensures that their products are successfully positioned and delivered to the international market. 
FineTest is a professional manufacturer of reagents for biotechnology research laboratories equipped with an advanced Elisa test laboratory, which offers about 7,000 types of ELISA kits and 10,000 types of antibodies with stable product quality.  

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GeneProof is a biotechnology company founded in the Czech Republic whose focus is routine molecular in vitro diagnostics of infectious and genetic diseases. The product range includes a wide range of high-quality PCR kits which, thanks to their universal temperature profiles, are particularly suitable for everyday diagnostic use. All kits are validated on a large number of Real Time PCR devices present on the market, IVD certified and in the certification process in accordance with IVDR 2022. 

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GYNEMED, a German company, founded in 1998, dedicated to the development, production and distribution of high quality medical products for reproductive medicine. Its portfolio includes only products that meet the highest standards and quality requirements and at the same time represent the latest scientific achievements. 
In addition to the constant expansion and improvement of the Gynemed media and consumables program, Gynemed can also offer laboratory equipment solutions for ART from renowned global leaders: IVF-Tech (Denmark), Hamilton Thorne (USA) and Astec (Japan), including a complete service and device maintenance.  

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GYNETICS, a Belgian company, is a leading innovative manufacturer of a wide range of high quality IVF (ART) medical devices for the global IVF market.
Manufactured in sterile rooms, all products are subjected to strict testing and the highest quality control procedures in accordance with CE directive 93/42 / EEC. Gynetics is an ISO 13485: 2016 certified company with simultaneous compliance with the US Quality System Regulation (FDA 21 CFR part 820) and the Canadian Medical Devices Regulation (SOR / 98-282).
All products are latex free, gamma or ETO sterilized and as such suitable for use in assisted human reproduction techniques.  

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HALOTECH, a biotechnology company based in Madrid, founded in 2008, is a global leader dedicated to developing the most advanced lines of ART products and services to medical professionals of the highest degree of quality and standards.
The company's goal is to improve the success of infertility therapy with in vitro solutions that are invaluable in this case.
The patented SCD technique, by which Halotech is recognized in the field of infertility, is a simple and fast method of determining the fragmentation of sperm DNA that does not require expensive and complex laboratory equipment.  

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From the south of Germany to the whole world. Since 1956 - more than 60 years - HERMLE centrifuges have been sold in all parts of the world. A former member of Berthold Hermle AG in Gosheim, HERMLE Labortechnik GmbH in Wehingen has been an independent company since the end of 1993. The entire production program has been completely renewed during that time. Each unit represents an efficient, versatile and easy-to-handle model. In the meantime, our centrifuges have found application in the fields of medicine, scientific research and industry.  

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Hightop Biotech is a high-tech company, which has developed a range of diagnostic products, analytical instruments, reagents for food safety control and medicine. 
Weifang Kanghua is one of the three production plants of Hightop Biotech, founded in 1996. Weifang Kanghua is a high-tech company specializing in the research, production and trade of in vitro diagnostic (IVD) products and medical equipment.
HIGHTOP product range includes rapid immunochromatographic tests, ELISA kits, chemical reagents, biochemical analyzers, Microplate Washers, etc. They are one of the most complete and largest manufacturers of diagnostic products in China.




IKA®  laboratory technology offers a wide range of innovative devices for a number of research and development applications. For mixing, quenching, distillation or crushing, market leaders in various fields of application rely on IKA® innovative and proven technology.  

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Illumina is a leading life science company  which deals with production and sales, as well as the development of new tools and integrated systems for detailed analysis of genetic variations and functions. These systems enable studies that were not even conceivable just a few years ago and bring us closer to the realization of personalized medicine. With the rapid advancement of technology, it is crucial to offer solutions that are not only innovative, but flexible and easily acceptable, with leading-edge support and services. Illumina has developed a comprehensive product line that relies on a wide range of experiments as well as a wide range of functional analysis to advance disease research, drug development and molecular tests. Illumin’s extensive portfolio of cutting-edge sequencing and micro array analysis solutions aims to explore a range of genomic complexes, thus enabling researchers to choose the best solution for their scientific challenge. Today, Illumina is a global leader in genomics - an industry at the crossroads of biology and technology. At the most basic level, Illumina enables users to read and understand genetic variations, and also strives to make their solutions simpler, more accessible and always reliable. As a result, discoveries that were unthinkable even a few years ago are becoming routine and finding their place in the treatment plan for patients.  



Since 1987, IUL has been designing, manufacturing and selling solutions for the automation of microbiological laboratories. Their goals are: 1) to provide more comfortable, safer and more reliable microbiological control to the industry and 2) to deliver devices for in vitro diagnostics in the field of human and animal health.  

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JRI is known for high quality performance in monitoring temperature, humidity, pressure, gas content levels (CO2, O2…), voltage, current, momentum, wind speed and direction, energy, water, gas consumption. Always fast on-site system installation, product training and calibration services and further support, and  for the needs of the system.  

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JS Research Inc. is a leading manufacturer of scientific and laboratory instruments in South Korea, have a wide range of general laboratory equipment that is necessary in various fields of scientific, technological and industrial research and development.  

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175 years of experience and commitment to quality in the production of scales have enabled KERN to become a specialist in the field of weight measurement in all medical, pharmaceutical and industrial branches. The KERN brand is recognized for its precision and reliability around the world.  

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Kruss is a leading manufacturer of high-precision laboratory and analytical optical instruments. For more than 200 years, Kruss has been developing and producing innovative product solutions for quality control of raw materials, semi-finished and finished products.  

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Lansion Biotechnology Co., Ltd. (Lansionbio) is a company specialized in research and development, production and sale of in vitro diagnostic reagents and devices. 
Lansionbio has gained the trust of many customers with its leading world quality standards.
Lansionbio focuses on innovation and quality and is committed to improving people’s health by providing high quality, reliable and affordable POCT products and services.  



LGC, Biosearch Technologies, an English company that is  is part of the LGC Group, covers the complete production program in the field of genomics. It specializes in the production of custom oligonucleotides for Real Time PCR, cGMP oligo sequences for molecular diagnostics, high quality PCR reagents, custom design assays for genotyping, editing and NGS. The wide production program finds application in the pharmaceutical industry, agronomy, food industry, biotechnology and research work. 

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Logos Biosystems was founded in 2008 as a biotechnology company dedicated to developing microscopic imaging solutions that help scientists achieve their research goals. They work with scientists to provide the quality and affordable imaging solutions you need.  

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MICROPTIC SL, based in Barcelona, is the world's leading company in the field of sperm analysis. The main goal of the business is the production of high quality products that are constantly improving, integrating the latest available innovative technology.
The company has installed its products in more than 2,000 systems in over 100 countries and collaborates with over 70 distributors and scientific researchers worldwide.
Their products have found application in human, veterinary medicine as well as in the fields of toxicology and research. 


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Founded in 2004, Monmouth Scientific Limited is one of the UK’s leading suppliers of clean air solutions and a member of the SDI Group. We are a pioneer of innovative new clean air technologies, boasting a huge commitment to our clients who have recognized us in collaboration with some of Britain’s leading private and governmental organizations, including the UK National Health Service, the Department of Defense, F1 Racing Teams (Formula 1) , The Royal Mint, nuclear power plants, as well as many educational and scientific institutions across the UK. We specialize in the production of digesters, laminar chambers, class II biological safety cabinets.  

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MovingLife's mission is to produce top quality products and provide support services for the benefit of users with limited activity. Manufactured by professionals and real users, the ATTO scooter was delivered to you knowing that it will become not only another scooter but also an integral part of your life. The ATTO scooter is compatible with any vehicle, including smaller cars, taxis and airplanes.
Enjoy with the ATTO scooter!  

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Multigel offers solutions for nutritional, cosmetic and pharmaceutical packaging, for small and medium-sized industrial companies, pharmacies and galenic laboratories. It produces a complete range of machines that covers all pharmaceutical forms, for solid, semi-solid and liquid preparations. Powder mixing machines, machines for the production of capsules and tablets, machines for the production of liquids and creams, packaging machines in various formats: bags, jars, bottles, test tubes, blisters and pill boxes.  

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Norgen Biotek is a Canadian company whose focus is on the development and distribution of sample collection and storage devices as well as molecular analysis kits (TaqMan and EndPoint PCR). We offer kits for isolation and purification of DNA, RNA and proteins from a variety of samples characterized by a very high yield and purity of isolates, as well as a large number of kits for  for the detection of human pathogens but also plant and food pathogens. ISO 9001,, ISO 13485, ISO 15189 certificates and numerous references speak of the outstanding quality of the product. 

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Okolab was founded in 2002 by a group of leading scientists in the field of biomedical research with experience in the field of microscopy and mechanical engineering. Their production program is primarily focused on the accompanying equipment for IVF microscopy.  

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Pharmagraph, in collaboration with Beckman Coulter LS air particle counters, is a flexible open architecture communication system that easily integrates with installed online particle monitoring instruments. The complete system together with portable counters fully complies with ISO 21501 and 21CFR Part 11 data handling requirements. In addition to particle detectors, a large number of sensors can be installed on the same housings to monitor temperature conditions, relative humidity, air flow rate, and differential pressure.  

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As part of the PHC Group, PHCBI is one of the world's most important manufacturers and suppliers of high quality laboratory equipment, contributing to the advancement of life science. Our products and services are delivered through a well-established and dynamic global, regional, national and local network of highly qualified staff and dedicated infrastructure. With more than 30 years of expertise and experience, PHC Europe is synonymous with quality.  

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Sampling Systems is one of the most present suppliers of sampling equipment and accessories. Almost 30 years of successful trading are behind them. Suppliers of samplers for different types of needs, for sterile and non-sterile use, for single or multiple use. Complete sampling equipment is produced in clean rooms, with all the necessary documentation available. Sampling Systems supplies equipment to over 10,000 pharmaceutical, chemical and food companies in over 100 countries.  

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Skyla is a company that successfully manufactures Point Of Care analyzers for both human and veterinary diagnostics, based in Hsinchu, Taiwan. The Skyla product offering presents new opportunities in medical science and innovation in healthcare. 
POC clinical chemical analyzer 
The Skyla HB1 Clinical Chemical Analyzer provides clinical trial laboratories, medical facilities and clinics with an in vitro diagnostic tool for clinical chemistry that is compact, portable and delivers fast results. The portable analyzer design uses precise photometric measurement technology, combined with disposable discs. The reagent disc contains a set of test reagents used in the quantitative testing of various biomarkers in a blood sample.  

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Synga is a Czech company focused on consumables intended for in vitro fertilization. Their production is ISO 13485: 2016 certified.
They entered the Czech market in 2007, and since 2009 they have been successfully selling abroad.
Their development team consists of prominent embryologists with almost thirty years of work experience and design engineers with many completed R / D projects. They have experience in developing products based on the latest technologies and approaches.
The SG SYSTEM micropipette was designed by experienced clinical embryologists for a safe and easy routine in life-creating laboratories.
Their main products are disposable glass micropipettes intended for denudation, manipulation and transfer of human embryos and ova during in vitro fertilization (IVF). Singa pipettes are sterile, non-toxic, made of high quality borosilicate glass with a well-defined inner diameter.
Their products are not only sterile medical instruments with EC certification, but they are also very practical in the daily work of embryologists.  

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Takara Bio Europe is a member of the Takara Bio Group, a world leader in biotechnology research based in Shiga, Japan. Long tradition and high quality are the main features of Takara. The product range includes the Takara, Clontech and Cellartis brands and offers complete solutions for conventional and Real Time PCR, NGS, cloning, research in cell biology, gene function and protein. 

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Since its founding in 1997, TianLong has been dedicated to research, development, production and overall solutions for instruments and in vitro diagnostic reagents in the field of genetic testing and molecular diagnostics. Today, TianLong has a wide range of products, including extraction kits and automatic nucleic acid extractors, thermocyclers, PCR kits and Real-Time PCR systems. 

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URIT is the world's leading professional supplier of diagnostic devices and reagents in China, recognized as a leader in urine analysis and veterinary diagnostics, but also a leading brand in the field of hematology and biochemistry. In addition, URIT's extensive product portfolio is complemented by POCT, electrolyte analyzers, ELISA readers, etc., enabling URIT to offer complete solutions for hospitals, laboratories, doctors and veterinary surgeries and empower end-users worldwide.
It is estimated that about 200,000 medical and healthcare facilities in more than 180 countries and areas use the technologies and services provided by this company on a daily basis.
Thanks to the constant efforts of URIT, they are rapidly moving and taking a leading position at the level of IVD products and supplier services around the world.  

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Zytomed Sistems GmbH is a German company based in Berlin. The company's focus is the development, production and distribution of antibodies and detection systems, as well as in situ hybridization reagents for diagnostics and research.

The area of expertise is pathological diagnostics. A comprehensive range of reagents, certified for in vitro diagnostic use (IVD / CE), is available for your routine diagnostic needs. In the Zytomed portfolio you can find antibodies, detection systems, auxiliary reagents, as well as in situ hybridization reagents that are optimally interconnected.

pathologists and cell biologists can choose from more than 8,000 antibodies.  

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